Rajendra Prasad has done an English film titled ‘Quickgun Murugan’. This movie got rare honour at IIFA (Indian International Film Academy). Rajendra Prasad got the rare distinction when he is chosen to walk on the green carpet (the organizers arranged a green carpet instead of red carpet to protest against global warming). Rajendra Prasad got this honor because Quickgun Murugan promotes vegetarianism. Rajendra Prasad wore the cowboy get-up which he did for that movie. Amitab Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Bachchan (the brand ambassadors of IIFA) greeted him with curiosity.
Directed by Shashank Ghosh, Quick Gun Murugan will be released worldwide soon.
Directed by Shashank Ghosh, Quick Gun Murugan will be released worldwide soon.
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