I would say this is the best offer of this season, just register your email and call for free. No need to buy any credit or register any other information. During this festive season, Pennytel is offering 10 million minutes of true free calls to INDIA, Aus, UK, USA, Canada, and China.
I don’t think that 10M minutes will remain till 1st of Jan, so you need to register and start making free calls before somebody else uses the free minute. (Don't forget to share this information and blog with your friends)Promo registration link (For new and existing customer)
PennyTel 10 million Xmas promo websiteAfter registering your email, you will get Your PennyTel Phone Number/Username and Password by email.
Now you have many options to call, you can call via access number, softphone under your My Portal or using SIP phone.
SIP Proxy : sip.pennytel.com
Domain : sip.pennytel.com
SIP Register : Yes
Preferred Codec : g729, g723
Port : 5060
December 27, 2009 at 1:39 PM
You have two options to call.
1. Web softphone
login to pennytel website
click on my portal
Then click on the Pennytel softphone in navigation panel
YOu have to enable this, then relogin again.
You need to enable the java script to use the softphone.
2. SIP softfone
you can install any SIP softphone from your PC (x-lite, zoiper, linphone etc) and use the sip settings with your login information to make the call. Its simple.
December 27, 2009 at 6:10 PM
how can i use with access number.. i have registered i cannot able to use it plz let me know