Mahesh Babu’s latest film Varudu in the direction of Trivikram was launched with a pooja ceremony in the office of producer Singanamala Ramesh. The regular shooting of the film is expected to take place either on 22nd or 23rd of March. Anushka is paired up with Mahesh Babu in this movie. There are tremendous expectations and hype on this film as Mahesh Babu is doing a feature film after a gap of 2 years.
Mahesh Varudu Movie Launched
Mahesh Babu’s latest film Varudu in the direction of Trivikram was launched with a pooja ceremony in the office of producer Singanamala Ramesh. The regular shooting of the film is expected to take place either on 22nd or 23rd of March. Anushka is paired up with Mahesh Babu in this movie. There are tremendous expectations and hype on this film as Mahesh Babu is doing a feature film after a gap of 2 years.
March 27, 2009 at 9:51 AM
oh!its awesome.its so great that anushka is playing